Sunday, July 19, 2020

body fat measures

I calculated body fat according to instructions from this video:

then I used this calculator:

my measurements:

chest:  52.00
stomach:  55.00
thigh:  14.00

results:  35.5%
body fat mass:  117.3 pounds
lean body mass:  213.7 pounds

(In january 2020 I was 38.9% so accordingly, looks like I'm down three percent from that measurement.)

Please note the following body measurements:

Under the navy method, here's what I have: 

waist:  49.00 (at navel)
neck:  19.50
body fat: 35.00%

fat:  116 pounds
lean:  215 pounds

Note  This morning on the impedence scale I measured 43.00% body fat at 330 pounds. 

Final measurements of my body: 

lower waist: 49.50 inches
upper waist: 54.50
neck:  19.50 inches
biceps:  16.00 inches
chest: 54.50
thigh: 27.875
calf: 18.375

Basically, I've lost 1.5 inches rom my neck, 4.00 inches from my chest, and 2 inches or so from my upper waist--all since 07.09 -- so a mere 10 days ago.  I don't have data going back to march 2020 -- and so this will have to be a starting point. 


Thursday, July 09, 2020

numbers 07092020

all in inches:

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375