Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No post in a while

I haven't posted in a few weeks now. Reason: Girlfriend, M, now in the picture. She's really good. But, as always seems to be the case with me, the first few weeks of courting removes a significant amount of my training time (though certainly not all of it -- I've done some pretty good running in the past 2-3 weeks).

Here are the current numbers:

weight ~223 this morning, I think 22 or 23% body fat (it's in the picture log of the past 3 weeks. (with sporadic entries for weeks 4 and 5).

Body dimensions, as of 09.21.2005, 1220am:

N: 15.75
B: 13.25
C: 43.25
uw: 41.00
lw: 38.00;
T: 22.25
H: 39.75

My body fat measurement via calipers is: 23.693%

I'm sure that's up from something.

I was also dreadfully sick over the past weekend. Indeed, I had a 103 deg fever. Bad times.

More to come I suppose.


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