Thursday, October 06, 2005

Interesting Phenomenon - Desire To Row


For whatever reason, I seem to be currently going through a pretty heavy rowing phase. I figure it's worthwhile to simply go with it -- I mean why fight that desire to do more of a particular type of exercise?

I figure it's a great aerobic (and, arguably some strength) type of workout. It provides me with valid exercise and I seem to be excelling more and more at the indoor sport. Also, the other perfectly valid reason for enjoying the experience is the dead-set ability to benchmark one exact performance against another: my 5,000 meters rowed last week, is nearly identical to the 5,000 meters rowed this week (the only minutely different variable is temperature in my apartment -- but even that is ONLY a difference of a degree or two (70-73 deg F typically); well, there is one difference between teh performance (which is the point): My body's ability to do the work -- and the ideal is rather pure: Increase the effort/work one's body can do and measure that difference and, arguably, one has increased their fitness. That seems like a nice feature of rowing -- and perhaps a bit understated by some.

I continue to attack records -- some with more success than others. It gets more and more fun the better shape I seem to attain ;:-0.


1 comment:

SR said...

I have always wanted to try the rowing machine at my gym, but I feel too embarrased, like maybe I won't do it right.