Sunday, November 06, 2005

Comments - Moderation: Good news / bad news

So, good news, bad news I suppose.


It appears, the comments feature is being abused by spammers who want free advertising on blogs like mine. No thanks. It's super annoying. So, from now on, any comment will go through a moderator process. HOwever, there aren't that many comments, so it's pretty easy to manage.


But the good news is that I seem to have pretty strong traffic these days -- an average of 11 visits per day, at 3.5 minutes per day. So I'm happy to see that people are still reading, even though my comments are much more sporadic these days.

I'll keep posting though. Slowly but surely.



Anonymous said...

Hello... yeah I've just only discovered your blog too! Good job on your weight loss. I love exercising myself but gotta watch my binging of food so when I read your blog, it much encourages me to eat healthy too, though not deprive myself as well. -L

Shirley said...

I ran across your blog because I was looking for people who have comment moderation enabled. I hope it works out well for you. I had a lot of trouble with commenters, not just spam but people saying some really rude things. That happens more frequently the more people you have coming by. I hope the comment moderation will take care of that.