Wednesday, March 14, 2007

New data

A story or two.

I think I've conquered my immediate term financial issues. Thus, I think I can easily and happily compete all season long in triathlons. In fact, I've now committed to pushing the envelope and going for a half-ironman at the end of the season. However, that enthusiasm may ultimately need to be tempered due to new career demands in my newfound profession (lots of trials!).


P: 24, 22, 17, 21, 25; I kept: 22, 21, 25
S: 54, 53, 51, 53, 47; I kept: 53, 51, 53
T: 14, 9, 9, 11, 11; I kept: 9, 11, 11

Ultimately this works out to 25.522% body fat according to the calipers.

Also, I had the following body measurements:

Neck: 16.75
biceps: 14.00
c: 47.50
upper waist: 46.50
lower waist: 42.50
Hips: 44.00
Thigh: 43.50

I had a really hard time grabbing the thigh measurements for body fat. I did the best I could though. . .

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