Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Week In Review

Here's the week in review from the road. I never really had a secure terminal, so I figured, I'd just cut and paste what I wrote. . .

I think the trip to [midwest state] so far has been pretty good in terms of calories. It's always a challenge when soemone else is controlling when and what degree you are going to eat.

S is an excellent cook, and not only impolite to turn down food, the food is simply too good to turn down. I ate a cobb salad tonight, with a diet pepsi. I had a bunch of egg rolls and shrimp earlier (leftover from the night before) and I had 3 pieces of french toast this morning. In the end, I'm not sure that my caloric intake was necessary better/worse than on days in LA -- the primary difference is my lack of control.

[added later: But one thing that does seem readily apparent to me: Though I love her cooking, I definitely seem to get the bulk of my calories from non-fruit/vegetable sources. I suppose this explains my fear of coming back heavier. . .

Also, I was able to get significant and high quality exercise in which always helps as well.]


I turned 36 today.

I spent the day travelling (out to a midwestern purple state). I spent the day on an airplane, which was interesting for the caloric intake. I think I had a sandwich; and then a smoothie in dallas; and then maybe we went to dinner fri night (after eating some fattening cupcakes for my bd).

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