Monday, July 04, 2005

5 day weighted average = 222.0 pounds

Today my weighted average showed up as 222.0 pounds.

This is good, because one month ago today it was 225.4. Given that math it would appear that, even when using my weighted 5 day average, I dropped 3.4 pounds in the past 30 days. . . which is 0.85 pounds per week.

The goal for the week was this:

211.6 / 215.3 / 219.2

This is losing 1% / 0.75% / 0.50% of body weight per week. So I'm not quite losing at that rate -- something less than that, because the 0.50% number (219.2) -- is off by about 3 pounds. So I probably need to rework the numbers to some degree.

Furthermore, the goal for body fat via calipers, was this:

7/3/2005 24.55% 22.69% 20.83%

Instead, my numbers were 25.82% (or 25.55% depending upon whether it is a weighted average or the static number from that day). In either event, the most conservative estimate was 24.55 -- which is 1% less than I currently measure. 20.83% is significantly less -- ~5% lower.

It's probably time to completely rework these numbers. It's quite unclear to me why it is that these numbers are not going down -- while other numbers (i.e., weight) are trending downward. It could very well be operator error; meaning, that I'm inconsistently measuring myself and therefore the numbers vary. However, interestingly enough, the numbers don't vary by much, because I've always been within about 1.5% of my day-to-day measures. So, it's a bit of a mystery for me right now.

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