Saturday, March 29, 2008

new body fat numbers - highest yet

well, as predicted:

New number: 30.423%

p: 33, 29, 24, 23, and 31; I kept: 29, 24, and 31.
s: 53, 63, 63 68 and 67; I kept 63, 63 and 67.
T: 15, 12, 16, 10 and 8; I kept 15, 12, and 10.

"T:" was the most difficult measurement. I simply couldn't quite get the calipers to work right -- it mostly caused redness on my skin. Also, it seemed to either be 18 or 3. . . but little inbetween.

As for tape measurements, they are:
N: 17.75;
B: 15.00;
C: 51.00;
US: 50.00;
LS: 45.00; and
T: 25. 50

I must say it was predicted. I can't quite bring myself to get on the scale though.


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