Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Numbers

Ironically, while the numbers are significantly off of my previously set goals, they are better than I thought they would be because they do show some progress.

The goals for the week were:

8/8/2005 203.2 209.0 214.8

I was off by a ways, as my weighted five day average was 223.5 (so over by 8.5 pounds).

HOwever, the body fat goal for the week was:

8/7/2005 -- 23.39% -- 20.36% -- 17.34%

And just this week, I measured 23.69% -- so even there, I'm over by 0.3% but I'm pretty close, albeit close to only the least aggressive goal.

Furthermore, the Tanita scale has also measured a decline in body fat -- in fact a significant decrease in the past two weeks. From 22% (2 weeks ago) to 24% (1 week ago) to 18.3% this week. Probably more of a scale error than anything, but, then again -- that's the whole point of maintaining a five day moving average (but the 14.5% day seems a little off base to me).


I'm ready to move forward. I have a triathlon tomorrow -- and then probably one more and that will conclude my season.

It does seem like there are two potential issues I need to handle in order to approach my goal:

* Better Nutrition / Restriction of Calories. This is a multipronged issue I suppose. The sub-issue, currently, is working in an environment that is filled with fatty foot and candy. That sucks. I don't have that issue at home -- because I just don't have it around me. I don't buy it. (Except those balance bars, which I will need to stop buying).

Basically, the goal should remain to eat 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day and then some protein. Stay out of the candy and the soda -- and life will get better more skinny.

* Workouts. Pretty busy August so far (and July) with work, school and editing NG's book. Perhaps you're going to have to learn to say no to given projects. Part of the problem is being pulled in multiple different directions so you don't have enough time to do that which is really important to you. It's a nice therapy lesson -- remember we value that which we spend time upon. When you stop spending time on something it shows you value it less. The less time I spend working on my body, the less I relish it I suppose. Tough pill to swallow but I believe it to be true.

I'll post some photojournal stuff later.

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