Sunday, January 30, 2005


Well, I think I'm seeing real progress.

5 day weighted average, for the month of January

Week ended / weight

01.02.2005 / divby0
01.09.2005 / 257.0 / 36.8
01.16.2005 / 252.3 / 34.6
01.23.2005 / 251.9 / 29.1
01.30.2005 / 248.0 / 31.5

I'm going to scream like a giddy little girl when I get weighted average into the 230s.

Interestingly enough, I had similar weights (roughly 251-252) during september of 2004. . . but somehow it feels better this time around. I'm still trying to make it all worth together and get weight and body fat down.

But I can't help but think in the back of my mind: If this fails, then I'm going to have to get surgery. . .


Log of weight/%body.fat. . . through 01-30-2005 Posted by Hello

food diary 01.23.2005 to 01.30.2005. Posted by Hello

Salad for 01-30-2005 (sun). Posted by Hello

Breakfast. . . a combo of Rice Krispies, Cheerios and some kind of raisin bran like cereal. All into a little cup :-).  Posted by Hello

Finished salad 01-29-2005 Posted by Hello

Salad ingredients for 01-29-2005. Posted by Hello

Groceries purchased circa 01-29-2005 Posted by Hello

WEight blog from 01-10-05 to 01-28-05 Posted by Hello

Food log circa 01292005 Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Measurement differences

Here are the measurement differences as near as I can tell.

C: 47.00"
B: 13.50"
T: 23.75"
N: 17.00"
UW: 45.00"
LW: 41.75"


C: 53.00"
B: 17.00"
T: 27.50"
UW: 48.00"
LW: 43.00"

Lost roughly, 3.5" inches from biceps; ~3.75 inches from thighs; neck is unknown apparently; upper waist measurement is down 3" while lower waist measurement is down 1.25" (this is the toughest one I think). The biggest difference is the chest, where I've lost a full 6". HOpefully more to come :-).

All of it is positive. . . albeit it relatively miniscule over a 7 month period (which is sort of a downer.

In the end, I suppose, the more I keep working at it, the better it will get.

Friday, January 28, 2005

2.5 pounds per week?

Pleased with progress this week. . . Went below 250 and it appears that my 2.5 pounds per week is definitely working. . .

I need to look at weight chart – I think it basically shows that I’m dropping roughly 2.5 pounds per week. [ACtually, I double checked the math: 01-06 (circa) 253.9 avWt; 252.5 avWt 250.5 avWg. Thus lost, average, 1.4 pounds week 1-2; 2.0 pounds week two. . . so something like 1.7 pounds lost per week on average. However, in 19 days, by the numbers, I have moved from 257.5 to 247 today; some 10 pounds, which is roughly 3.5 per week.]

[Also, of note, on 01-03-05, I weighed 263.5; and today, 25 days later (call it four weeks) I weighed 247.0 (after workout). That's a 16.5 pound loss (by pure numbers) in 25 days; this computes to approximately 4.25 pounds per week in weight loss). I think the 263 was simply a water bloated weight for some weird reason. In any event, happy to see its coming off. . . ]

I’m starting to think I’d like to set a weight goal for my birthday which is

Approximately 7 weeks to go until my birthday: which is approximately 17.5 pounds. I would say that my weighted average weight this week is roughly 250 (or 251). Theoretically I could be down to 232.5. So the potential rate is 1 pound per week, to perhaps 2 as much as 2.5 pounds.

1 x 7 = 7 pounds; (243)
1.5x7 = 10.5 pounds; (239.5)
2x7 = 14 pounds; (236)
2.5x7= 17.5 pounds (232.5).

Therefore, a good median goal would be 236; 243 works. And 232.5 is a phenomenal performance.

It's also important to note that I'm am measuring at the low point of the curve: that is, I am measuring at the lowest weight recorded in a day (even if post-workout).

I think the two-a-day workouts are definitely effective. Also, I think I’m getting more hours and some high quality work to boot. So, I’m pretty pleased overall at this point. Thankfully, my sinus infection has gone away too THANK GOD!

I also think my eating habits have definitely improved with more salads and less sandwiches. Also the lack of dr. pepper is definitely reducing the caloric intake. . .

I’m still seeking a treadmill pretty heavily. I’ve been trying to buy one off of Craiglist over the past few days, but I’ve come up a bit short. . . I definitely need one that folds up. There’s one that retails for $1,300 that was a return – its in ventura county, so I’ve prepared a $305 bid – we’ll see. It’s up in Ventura County. But there seem to be a half-dozen or so treadmills for sale every week. Eventually I’ll find one for $100 to $300 and hopefully use it as much as I use the computrainer. . .

Weight chart for 01-07-05 through 01-30-05 or so. Posted by Hello

food diary circa 01-17-05 Posted by Hello

Monday, January 17, 2005

other sites of men that have lost weight (or currently trying)

Rob, seems to spend lots of time in bars around crazy women. . .

Interesting site of a guy who as of jan '05 lost ~140 pounds using atkins. . .

Interesting raw food journal

Story about airman who lost 100 pounds

Chris (male) has a nice site about his weight loss and ultra marathon inkling.

Story of triathlete x-big-man who used to be big but now does triathlons.

Sunday, January 16, 2005



I had a nasty sinus infection over the past week that kept me down for the count. Tremendous discharge from coughing and nasal cavity. Eventually solved it with a night of irrigation every 30-45 minutes for ~6 hours. In the meanwhile, all of the exercise came to a halt. Indeed, all of my schoolwork basically came to a halt as well.

Also broke up with C for what I think is the last time.

I still remain committed to dropping pounds and getting into the shape of my life. I’ve been reticent to attack the exercise during this illness because I don’t want to make things worse. Ironically, though, I’ve dropped from 257 to 250 this week, probably from lack of appetite during illness (probably some dehydration too).

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

notes from day


I stayed home from my externship today.

I have a nasty cold and just didn’t feel right (and it was that sort of chunky nasty yellow stuff). I considered working out (hell, I considered my two-a-day plan) but decided against it to try and beat my bug. I’m drinking tons of water, doing some nasal irrigation and trying to keep blowing my nose.

I’m looking forward to getting after it though, hopefully starting tomorrow. I have some homework for tonight, as I’ve spent the day lounging around trying to relax and “gain strength.”

Probably take a nap and then get up and do my homework. If I feel phenomenally better, then I’ll probably do a ride tonight on the CT; otherwise, it’ll wait until tomorrow. At least it finally stopped raining .

Monday, January 10, 2005

Workouts / food week ending 01-09-05

I had a surprisingly good week, both exercise wise and foodwise.

My caloric range was pretty low all week -- I really stuck to my guns, and ate heavily in the fruit and veggie category, which always causes the caloric intake to drop. Additionally, I managed some two a day workouts, within my new paradigm of 8 workouts per week. In fact, here are the numbers

Tue: 1742
Wed: 1540
Thu: 1490
Fri: 1350
Sat: 1580
Sun: 1370

An average for the week of 1512 calories. That's pretty low for me. I suspect it also explains a dramatic drop from 263 to ~255. . . The 263 reading could easily have been an aberration though.

For whatever reason, I feel quite motivated now.

Some of the workouts were definitely hampered due to outdoor rain, but given that I own a computrainer cycling system, I can ride indoors pretty easily (indeed, I watched Mean Girls (I give it 2 stars) while I rode 20 miles tonight).

In the end, I ran 7.6 miles this week and rode 83.0 miles. I completed 7 workouts today as well. I wanted to swim today, but C came over instead (we recently broke up. . . ).

I hope to swim Tuesdays and Fridays after my office externship at my usual outdoor pool. If it continues to rain in the next couple weeks, I'll either run more or find an indoor city pool in which to swim.

I went through and created a potential triathlon schedule. The first race is in March and I intend to do it. I'm going out of town (to be a godparent) to a child in two weeks. . . that'll be fun. I'll probably mostly run that weekend.

* * *


In the back of my mind I've always toyed with the idea that maybe I should just get surgery. I'm right on the edge of being eligible from what I understand. About 100 pounds overweight will get you there. I'm probably a good 70 pounds overweight, and perhaps as much as 100 pounds. However, in the past I have had some success with losing weight.

I'm starting to think that if I can't make significant process by, say, May or June of this year, or perhaps as late as Dec 05 or Jan-06, then once I get a job as a professional, it may in fact be time to consider surgical intervention. In the end, it's more healthy to have the surgery, then to spend my life trying to get down to fighting weight.

But, I feel empowered in it now, and feel like I can definitely make it happen.

Oh yea, I also stopped drinking Dr. Pepper.

I realize it's a bit aggressive to set a goal of losing 2.5 pounds per week for the first several weeks, and then 2.0, 1.5 and 1.0/wk. But I know if I continue running and riding and swimming and keeping the calories low, the weight will simply come off. At least it always did in wrestling.

Food journal for week ending 01-10-05 Posted by Hello

Weight for week 01-03-05 to 01-10-05 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

workout plan for 05

WEIGHT: I weighed in two days ago at 263.5 (a new high in months); but a few days later I weighed 258; still higher than usual. . . but not as high as 264. . .

Goals for 2005

I think the only way to be honest is to say my initial attempt at weight loss has failed. I need to reconfigure the plan and see what works best.

My ending numbers for 2004 were as follows:

Sport / # workouts / hours / distance / avg pace

cycling / 70 / 71.2 / 1077.6 miles / 15.2 mph
running / 36 / 21.9 / 117.1 miles / 11:29.5 mpm;
Swimming / 18 / 12.7 / 41,500 yards / 32:16 mph
tennis / 1.0 / 1.3 / --
aerobics / 6.0 / 2.1 / --

totals: 131 workouts / for 109.2 hous

So roughly 2.5 workouts per week.

My thoughts over the past few days have centered around a new/improved workout regimen of 7.5 workouts per week to get me over the hump. Now that I analyze it, 109.2 hours, is roughly 2 hours per week. I would think something like 6-15 hours is more in the realm of workout time which seems more acceptable.

In order to make these goals, I need to focus upon the potential downtime; approximately 3 weeks in May for finals; and 3 weeks in December for finals (and then onto taking the bar). Nonetheless, that leaves 46 weeks.

7.5 workouts per week * 52 weeks = 390 workouts for 2005;
390 workouts / 46 available weeks = 8.5 workouts per week in order to make up for the lost six weeks.

Here’s a potential schedule:

Mon: am cycle; pm swim
Tue: day off
Wed: am cycle; pm swim;
Thur; am cycle; pm run;
Friday: evening run
Sat: am ride (long);
Sun: long run

In addition to increasing the number of workouts per week, I would also like to increase the hours and distance.

For hours, that means I would like to get into the 250-350 hours per year (which is roughly 5-7 hours per week of pure training; probably twice that in actual time expenditure). Currently average workout time is approximately 50 mins (.85 hours). If I maintain the same average workout time, I’ll end up with 331 hours – so that should be fine.


My thought is to set a goal of 300% of the distances completed for 2004. That would mean roughly:

Cycling: 3,000 miles; (approx. 65 mpweek [46 weeks available training]);
Running: 340 miles (approximately 7.4 mpweek [46weeks available training]); and
Swimming: ~120,000 yards (approximately 2600 yards/wk [46 weeks available]);

This all seems quite doable to me; I’ve certainly committed and completed much more difficult regimes. Having said that, this week, I’ve done zero (for no particular reason) – other than C/s/I was in town and I was parked at C’s (gf) for a decent chunk of the weekend – and dealing with my family. Even so, even when the family was here, I did a few workouts. Part of this, is probably asserting myself and just telling people – in fact, I’m going to do a workout, then we’ll do what you want to do. . . it’s just hard at times dealing with those who don’t workout. . . because then your workout becomes their headache (C included – this should be considered in future negotiations. . . ).


Now that I’ve broken up with C theoretically it’ll be easier to control the foods I put into my body. More than anything need to control soft drinks and sandwiches. My mode for this is going to be rather simple: mostly fruit and veggies with some turkey sandwiches (and beans) for more of a protein source.

I would like to lose 2.5 pounds for the first ten weeks; then 2 pounds, then 1.5 / 1.0 for remainder.

My initial goal is to try to maintain 1200 calories per day. It’s ultra low, but I sort of figure if I can get an early taste of success (and some rapidity to it) it’s more likely that I’ll continue on and receive that feedback that can be so critical in the initial phases. All I know is there’s a great deal of talk about insulin and this and that and the other thing: when I have heavy workouts, lots of bike time combined with caloric reduction I lose weight. Lots of it.

I lost 50 pounds in wrestling controlling things; and I lost more than 50 pounds when preparing for triathlons earlier in life. Let’s give this another shot.


I have already been tossing around in my head the idea that if by the end of the year there isn’t some success, I may well be a candidate for bariatric stomach bypass surgery. I’m not there yet, but if I spend my whole life trying to become a healthier weight – it may make more sense just to go ahead and have the surgery. . .

Time will tell. It always does.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Lack of Success

I didn't weigh in today. However, I know I probably weigh between 250-260; with a best guess of 255. My weight has changed little over the past 7 months. . . though I did drop about 20 pounds in the beginning of summer.

My eating habits are still relatively poor, though my exercise habits remain far above average. In order to control my weight, I will likely need to dramatically control not only how much I eat, but also dramatically control WHAT i eat. It seems that I need to take in a majority of veggies and fruits, and a minority of other foods. Baqsically, I can't eat too much fruits or veggies in my view. . .

I think it is important to keep chronicling about my goal, even if it turns out to be a failure, because my failure, in the midst of other glowing journals on the web, is a voice that should be heard. I don't plan to fail, but it certainly hasn't been a success.

BTW, here are my year end exercise numbers:

Sport / # workouts / hours / distance / avg pace

cycling / 70 / 71.2 / 1077.6 miles / 15.2 mph
running / 36 / 21.9 / 117.1 miles / 11:29.5 mpm;
Swimming / 18 / 12.7 / 41,500 yards / 32:16 mph
tennis / 1.0 / 1.3 / --
aerobics / 6.0 / 2.1 / --

totals: 131 workouts / for 109.2 hous

So roughly 2.5 workouts per week.

It's lower than I thought it would be honestly. It's a tough nut though: finishing my first year of grad school (and then starting my second). While, on the one hand I don't want to be too hard on myself, I don't want to be too easy either.

Looking at the numbers, it would seem that one goal should be to try to double the number of workouts (and roughly the distances) with an attempt to get to more loss and better shape. Also, couple it with better eating, and then I'm getting somewhere.

We'll see -- it's all a balance in the end -- right now things are clearly out of balance, yet, overall, 2.5x week, is still providing a healthy health benefit of exercise. You should try to do more of it nonetheless. . .


[aerobics is my POW workout].

It's both more nad less than I thought it would be