Monday, October 15, 2007


I'm professionaly fulfilled. I'm physically challenged.

I retain lots of extra fat. I have regular to semi-regular exercise rituals.


I continue to row with great regularity. Anywhere between 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters. I'd like to row more, or transfer over to other types: running, cycling, swimming and weight lifting.


In the meanwhile, life has been ganging up on me. Professionaly, I have lots of demands on my time (but I do REALLY LOVE the new job). Moreover, I just moved into a new apartment (my own place finally again) . The new place has required lots of attention. I still have remaining projects. However, the projects are dwindling. And, with more time available for "investment" I'd like to push those time-chips toward fitness/health.


I'd like to ratchet up my nutrition knowledge. I'd then like to use those habits to make even better choices. I know the short answer is more fruits and vegetables. And fewer calories, all else being equal. I should also drink more water.


I should write more often. And track more of what I'm doing. I need to also take more photographs.