Monday, November 16, 2020


measurements 11-16-2020 vs 07092020

11-16-2020 (Mon) 
n 18.375
b: 14.750
c 52.500
uw: 50.500
lw:  46.375
h: 47.500
t: 22.000
c: 17.250

n 18.375
b: 15.375
c 53.500
uw: 52.500
lw:  47.375
h: 48.375
t: 25.375
c: 18.250

this week / last week / 07-09 measures / (last week loss) / (historical loss)
n  18.375 / 18.375 /  20.875 / (-0.)  /  (-2.500)
b 14.750 / 15.375 / 17.250 / (-0.625.) / (-2.500")
c: 50.500 / 52.500 / 58.500 / (-2.000 / (-8.000")
uw: 50.500 / 52.500 / 56.625 / (-2.000)  / (-6.125")
lw: 46.375 / 47.375  / 50.500 / (-1.000)  /   (-3.625")
h: 47.500 / 48.375  / not taken (unk)/  00.875 / (0)
t: 22.000 / 25.375 / 25.500 / (-3.375)  / (-3.500)
c 17.250 / 18.250 / 18.375 / (0.250) / (0.125")

bf - 11162020
P  50
S:  59
L:  20

I used this calculator:

It provided this result: 

37.1% body fat
LBm;  193.7
FM:  114.3

Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500

Saturday, November 07, 2020

measurements 11-07-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.375
b: 15.375
c 53.500
uw: 52.500
lw:  47.375
h: 48.375
t: 25.375
c: 18.250

n 18.375
b: 14.750
c 53.625
uw: 52.625
lw: 47.500
h: 47.500
t: 25.500
c: 18.500

this week / last week / 07-09 measures / (last week loss) / (historical loss)
n  18.375 / 18.375 /  20.875 / (-0.)  /  (-2.500)
b 14.750 / 15.375 / 17.250 / (+0.625.) / (-2.500")
c: 52.625 / 52.500 / 58.500 / (+0.125 / (-5.875")
uw: 52.625 / 52.500 / 56.625 / +0.125 / (-4.000")
lw: 47.375 / 47.500  / 50.500 / (0.125) /   (-3.125")
h: 48.375 / 47.500  / not taken (unk)/  +0.875 / (0)
t: 25.375 / 25.500 / 25.500 / (0.125)  / (0.125")
c 18.250 / 18.500 / 18.375 / (0.250) / (0.125")

bf - 11072020
P  54
S:  56
L:  16

I used this calculator:

It provided this result: 

36.5% body fat
LBm;  196.2
FM:  112.8

Obesity is defined as >25% body fat; with 21-25% being borderline.  see,,31%2D33%25%20being%20borderline.  Healthy body fat is 11-21% with up to 24% being "acceptable".  

So, I'm 11.5% beyond the healthy number.  11.5%  of 309 is roughly 35 pounds or so to the beginning of healthy weight.  If I lost only body fat, that would be around 270-275 or so.  

But, LBM will also decrease--basically there's no other way to do it--so, I probably need to lose something like another 60-70 pounds -- roughly 240-250 pounds or so -- before I get to a "more healthy" weight by percentage.   

This is doable.  Keep moving forward!  



10.31.2020 note
the problem this week is my weight rose a few pounds--and my waist measurement went up slightly.  This is consistent with fat gain, rather than fat loss.  I'll need to be extra careful with this.  

11072020 note
Weight plateau stopped and weight has come down to 309 -- lowest weighted average in my recorded history.  I just need to keep going, maintain consistency, and push forward.  I believe the weight training is keeping lean body mass on me -- and I will continue it.  Moreover, the new mountain bike is terrific and I hope to squeeze lots of training out of that new addition to the bike family!  

historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500

Thursday, October 29, 2020

measurements 10-29-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.375
b: 14.750
c 53.625
uw: 52.625
lw: 47.500
h: 47.500
t: 25.500
c: 18.500

n 18.375
b 14.750
c: 53.500
lw: 46.375
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 18.375

n 18.500
b 14.875
c: 54.500
lw: 46.375
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 17.250

this week / last week / 07-09 measures (last week loss) (historical loss)
n  18.375 / 18.375 /  20.875 / (-0.)  /  (-2.500)
b 14.750 / 14.750 / 17.250 / (-0.) / (-2.500")
c: 53.625 / 53.500 / 58.500 / +0.125 / (-4.375")
uw: 52.625 / 51.500 / 56.625 / +1.125 / (-4.000")
lw: 47.500 / 46.375  / 50.500 / +1.125 /   (-3.000")
h: 47.500  / 47.500  / not taken (unk)/  (0) / (0)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 / 25.500 / (0) / (0)
c 18.500 / 18.375 / 18.375 / (+0.125) / (+1.125")

p; 52
s 52
t: 16

lbm: 203.2
fm: 110.8

Obesity is defined as >25% body fat; with 21-25% being borderline.  see,,31%2D33%25%20being%20borderline.  Healthy body fat is 11-21% with up to 24% being "acceptable".  

So, I'm 10.3 to 11.3% beyond healthy bodyfat.  Losing 10.3% of total weight all in fat mass, is a loss of about 33 pounds or so of fat mass.  

But, LBM will also decrease--basically there's no other way to do it--so, I probably need to lose something like another 60-70 pounds before I cut down to an acceptable body fat range via body fat measures.  This is doable.  Keep moving forward!  

 If the weight loss was purely fat, then I'd end up at 279 pounds.  so, realistically, I bet I need to get down to around 240-250 in order to achieve a 24.99% body fat.  



the problem this week is my weight rose a few pounds--and my waist measurement went up slightly.  This is consistent with fat gain, rather than fat loss.  I'll need to be extra careful with this.  

historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Thursday, October 22, 2020

measurements 10-22-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.375
b 14.750
c: 53.500
lw: 46.375
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 18.375

n 18.500
b 14.875
c: 54.500
lw: 46.375
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 17.250

this week / last week / 07-09 measures (last week loss) (historical loss)
n 18.375 / 18.500 / 20.875 / (-0.125)  /  (-2.500)
b 14.750 / 14.875 / 17.250 / (-0.125) / (-2.500")
c: 53.500 / 54.500 / 58.500 / (-1.000) / (-4.00")
uw: 51.500 / 51.500 / 56.625 / (0) / (-5.125")
lw: 46.375 / 46.375 / 50.500 / (0)  (-4.125")
h: 47.500 / 47.500 / not taken (unk)/ (0) / (0)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 / 25.500 / (0) / (0)
c 18.375 / 17.250 / 18.375 / (+1.125) / (+1.125")

p; 52
s 56
t: 18

bf= 36.5%
lbm 196.2 lbs
fbm = 112.8 lbs

Obesity is defined as >25% body fat; with 21-25% being borderline.  see,,31%2D33%25%20being%20borderline.  Healthy body fat is 11-21% with up to 24% being "acceptable".  

Based on those numbers, I need to lose 11.6% of my body fat-- so if I reduced my fat mass by 35.8 pounds or so. 

But, LBM will also decrease--basically there's no other way to do it--so, I probably need to lose something like another 60-70 pounds before I cut down to an acceptable body fat range via body fat measures.  This is doable.  Keep moving forward!  

 If the weight loss was purely fat, then I'd end up at 279 pounds.  so, realistically, I bet I need to get down to around 240-250 in order to achieve a 24.99% body fat.  


historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Friday, October 16, 2020

measurements 10-16-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.500
b 14.875
c: 54.500
lw: 46.375
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 17.250

n 18.500
b 14.875
c: 53.500
lw: 48.500
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 17.250

this week / last week / 07-09 measures (last week loss) (historical loss)
n 18.500 / 18.500 / 20.875 / (0)  /  (-2.375)
b 14.875 / 14.875 / 17.250 / (0) / (-2.375")
c: 54.500 / 53.500 / 58.500 / (+1.000) / (-4.00")
uw: 51.500 / 51.500 / 56.625 / (0) / (-5.125")
lw: 46.375 / 48.500 / 50.500 / (-1.125)  (-4.125")
h: 47.500 / 47.500 / not taken (unk)/ (0) / (0)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 / 25.500 / (0) / (0)
c 17.250 / 17.250 / 18.375 / (0) / (-1.175")

p; 53
s 58
t: 22

bf= 37.9%
lbm 193.1 lbs
fbm = 117.9 lbs

Obesity is defined as >25% body fat; with 21-25% being borderline.  see,,31%2D33%25%20being%20borderline.  Healthy body fat is 11-21% with up to 24% being "acceptable".  

Based on those numbers, I need to lose 12.9%  of my body fat-- so if I reduced it by 40 pounds, I'd be at the far end of the range.  That would be about 265, provided my lbm remains the same.  But, LBM will also decrease--basically there's no other way to do it--so, I probably need to lose something like another 60-70 pounds before I cut down to an acceptable body fat range via body fat measures.  This is doable.  Keep moving forward!  


historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Thursday, October 08, 2020

measurements 10-08-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.500
b 14.875
c: 53.500
lw: 48.500
h: 47.500
t 25.500
c: 17.250

n 18.500 / 21.000 (-2.500)
b 14.875 / 17.250 (-2.375")
c: 53.500 / 58.500 (-5.00")
uw: 51.500 / 56.625 (-5.125")
lw: 48.500 / 50.500 (-2.000")
h: 47.500 / not taken (unk)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 (0)
c 17.250 / 18.375 (-1.175")

p; 54
s 60
t: 23

bf= 38.6%
lbm 190.3 lbs
fbm = 119.7 lbs

historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Thursday, October 01, 2020

measurements 10-01-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.375 / 20.875 (-2.500")
b 14.875 / 17.250 (-2.375")
c: 53.500 / 58.500 (-5.00")
uw: 52.625 / 56.625 (-4.000")
lw: 47.500 / 50.500 (-3.000")
h: 48.500 / not taken (unk)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 (0)
c 17.250 / 18.375 (-1.175")

p; 46
s: 56
t: 19

bf: 35.5%
lean = 198.7
fbm = 109.3 lbs

historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

measurements 09252020

measurements 09-25-2020 vs 07092020

n 18.375 / 20.875 (-2.500")
b 14.750 / 17.250 (-2.500")
c: 53.500 / 58.500 (-5.00")
uw: 52.500 / 56.625 (-4.125")
lw: 48.500 / 50.500 (-2.000")
h: 48.500 / not taken (unk)
t: 25.500 / 25.500 (0)
c 17.250 / 18.375 (-1.175")

p; 49.67 (average of three, rounded to 50)
s 59.00
t 15.00

bf: 36.1%
lean = 198.7
fbm = 112.3 lbs

historical - 07-09-2020

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Friday, September 18, 2020

measurements 09182020

n: 18.375
b 14.750
c: 55.500
uw 53.500
lw: 47.500
h: 48.500
t 25.375
calf: 17.125

3 site accumeasure (button - new devices circa 09082020); 
P: 52.00
s 56.00
t 16.00
b: 112 lbs
lbm: 199.42 lbs

3 site regular caliper (old)
P 53.00
s 57.00
t: 17.00
bf:  114 lbs
lbm: 197.52 lbs

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Meas 09182020

measurements 09.18.2020

n 18.375
b: 14.750
c; 55.500
uw: 53.500
lw: 47.500
h: 48.500
t 25.375
calf: 17.125

body fat: 

accumeasure (new with button): 
P: 52.00
S 56.00

bf = 36.08%
lbm 199.42

old calipers
p: 53.00
s: 57.00
t: 17.00

bf: 36.69%
bf: 114 lbs
lbm 198 lbs

Measurements 09.12.20

N: 19.50
B: 16.00
Chest:  55.50
Uw:  54.50
Lw 48.50
Hips: 48.50
T: 25.50
Calf: 18.25

Body fat
Stomach: 61.00
Prcs: 50.00
Thigh: 15.00

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

data - 09092020

body fat:  37.68 (-0.39%, down from about a week ago - really justu a rounding error) 

Previous body fat by three site method was 37.49%.  So, the numbers are all very similar. 

C 53
S 62
T 17

data 09-08-2020 / data from 07092020)

N: 18.375 / 20.875 (-2.500 in)
b: 14.750   17.250 (-2.500 in)
c: 55.500 / 58.500 (-3.000 in)
uw 52.500 / 56.625 (-4.125 in)
lw: 48.500 / 50.500 (-2.000 in)
H: 48.50
T: 26.750 / 25.500 (+1.250 in)
calf: 17.25 / 18.375 (-1.125 in)

note virtually no change from 082502020.  

data review

measurements 08252020

n: 19.625 (0) / (-1.250")
chest:  54.625 (-0.875") / (-3.875")
biceps:  16.00 (+0.125") (-1.250")
upper waist 52.625 (-2.000") / (-4.000")
lower waist: 47.500 (-1.00) / (-3.000")
hips:  not measured
thigh:  24.375 (0) / (-1.125")
calf: 17.250 (-1.250) / (-1.125")

body fat:  38.07% three site method here Previous body fat by three site method was 37.49%.  So, this is 0.58 greater -- but they're functionally the same number -- andwell within my margin of error.  

C 51
S 60
T 23

data 09-04-2020 / data from 07092020)

N: 19.750 (-1.125)
c: 54.500 (-4.000)
b: 14.750 (-2.500)
uw 53.500 (-3.125)
lw: 48.500 (-2.000)
t: 26.750 (1.250)
calf: 18.500 (+0.125)

note virtually no change from 082502020.  

data review

measurements 08252020

n: 19.625 (0) / (-1.250")
chest:  54.625 (-0.875") / (-3.875")
biceps:  16.00 (+0.125") (-1.250")
upper waist 52.625 (-2.000") / (-4.000")
lower waist: 47.500 (-1.00) / (-3.000")
hips:  not measured
thigh:  24.375 (0) / (-1.125")
calf: 17.250 (-1.250) / (-1.125")

Friday, September 04, 2020

body fat:  38.07% three site method here Previous body fat by three site method was 37.49%.  So, this is 0.58 greater -- but they're functionally the same number -- andwell within my margin of error.  

C 51
S 60
T 23

data 09-04-2020 / data from 07092020)

N: 19.750 (-1.125)
c: 54.500 (-4.000)
b: 14.750 (-2.500)
uw 53.500 (-3.125)
lw: 48.500 (-2.000)
t: 26.750 (1.250)
calf: 18.500 (+0.125)

note virtually no change from 082502020.  

data review

measurements 08252020

n: 19.625 (0) / (-1.250")
chest:  54.625 (-0.875") / (-3.875")
biceps:  16.00 (+0.125") (-1.250")
upper waist 52.625 (-2.000") / (-4.000")
lower waist: 47.500 (-1.00) / (-3.000")
hips:  not measured
thigh:  24.375 (0) / (-1.125")
calf: 17.250 (-1.250) / (-1.125")

three site, body fat: 
c: 53.00
s: 53.00
t: 25.00


body measurements from 
all in inches:

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Thursday, August 27, 2020

measurements 08272020
n 19.625
chest:  54.50
biceps:  15.00
upper waist: 53.50
lower waist:  48.50
hips:  48.50
thigh: 25.50
calf: 18.25

three site body fat:  
chest:  54.00
stomach:  64.00
T: 18.00

= 38.45%

measurements 08252020

n: 19.625 (0) / (-1.250")
chest:  54.625 (-0.875") / (-3.875")
biceps:  16.00 (+0.125") (-1.250")
upper waist 52.625 (-2.000") / (-4.000")
lower waist: 47.500 (-1.00) / (-3.000")
hips:  not measured
thigh:  24.375 (0) / (-1.125")
calf: 17.250 (-1.250) / (-1.125")

three site, body fat: 
c: 53.00
s: 53.00
t: 25.00


body measurements from 
all in inches:

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

measurements 08252020

n: 19.625 (0) / (-1.250")
chest:  54.625 (-0.875") / (-3.875")
biceps:  16.00 (+0.125") (-1.250")
upper waist 52.625 (-2.000") / (-4.000")
lower waist: 47.500 (-1.00) / (-3.000")
hips:  not measured
thigh:  24.375 (0) / (-1.125")
calf: 17.250 (-1.250) / (-1.125")

three site, body fat: 
c: 53.00
s: 53.00
t: 25.00


body measurements from 
all in inches:

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

08082020 results: 

n: 19.625 (i must have mis-measured last week, no way I lost weight but gained an inch around my neck)
chest:  55.500 (-0.125)
biceps 14.875 (same)
upper waist: 54.625 (-0.375)
lower waist:  49.50 (-1.00)
hips: 49.50 (not measured)
thigh: 24.375 (-2.25)
calf 18.50 (+0.125)
forearm: 12.50 (not measured)
wrist:  7.50 (not measured)

last weeks 0801 2020 measures: 

Neck: 18.50
bicep:  14.875
c: 55.625
uw: 55.50
lw: 50.50
t: 26.625
c: 18.375

body fat three site 08082020:

chest:  48.00 caliper (mm)
navel waist;  67.00
thigh:  12.00

result:  36.69%

Saturday, August 08, 2020

measurements 08082020

n: 19.625 (i must have mis-measured last week, no way I lost weight but gained an inch around my neck)
chest:  55.500 (-0.125)
biceps 14.875 (same)
upper waist: 54.625 (-0.375)
lower waist:  49.50 (-1.00)
hips: 49.50 (not measured)
thigh: 24.375 (-2.25)
calf 18.50 (+0.125)
forearm: 12.50 (not measured)
wrist:  7.50 (not measured)

last weeks 0801 2020 measures: 

Neck: 18.50
bicep:  14.875
c: 55.625
uw: 55.50
lw: 50.50
t: 26.625
c: 18.375

body fat three site 08082020:

chest:  48.00 caliper (mm)
navel waist;  67.00
thigh:  12.00

result:  36.69%

navy method, was 52% body fat
forearm, wrist method said 26% body fat.  

fat pounds:  (0.367 * 320) = 117.4 pounds
lean (0.633 * 320) = 202.56 pounds

Body fat three site 08012020:

chest:  47.00
stomach:  50.00 (so this was an optimistic measure; I didn't gain 17 mm --and this is the problem with calipers on obese folks it's hard to replicate.  My solution?  Keep at it.  Try to develop consistent measuring).  
thigh:  19.00 (similarly I went from 19 down to 12 - that's just technique not real change).  I'm going to try the 7 point method tomorrow.  

08-01-2020 results  34.4% body fat.
body fat =110 #s
lean = 211.3#s

Saturday, August 01, 2020

New measurements: 

Neck: 18.50
bicep:  14.875
c: 55.625
uw: 55.50
lw: 50.50
t: 26.625
c: 18.375

last week: 

07.19.2020 measures

neck:  19.50 inches
biceps:  16.00 inches
chest: 54.50
upper waist: 54.50
lower waist: 49.50 inches
thigh: 27.875
calf: 18.375

changes 07.19 to 08.01
neck:  (1.00) inches
biceps:  (1.125) inches
chest: (1.125)
upper waist: +1.00
lower waist: (1.00) inches
thigh: (1.250)
calf: no change

07-09-2020 numbers: 
N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

changes 07-09 to 08-01
N: (2.375)
B: (2.375)
C: (4.00)
Upper Waist (over navel):  (1.125
Lower Waist  0
Thigh: +1.125
calves 0

Body fat; 

my measurements 08012020

chest:  47.00
stomach:  50.00
thigh:  19.00

08-01-2020 results  34.4% body fat.
body fat =110 #s
lean = 211.3#s

In January 2020 I was 38.9%.

On 07.19.2020 I calculated I was 35.00

Today I am down 0.6% body fat.  (In january 2020 I was 38.9% so accordingly, looks like I'm down 4.5 percent rom my januarynumber and down 0.6% from 07-09-2020.)

Please note the following body measurements:

Under the navy method, here's what I have: 

waist:  49.00 (at navel)
neck:  19.50
body fat: 35.00%

fat:  116 pounds
lean:  215 pounds

Note  This morning on the impedence scale I measured 43.00% body fat at 330 pounds. 

Final measurements of my body: 

lower waist: 49.50 inches
upper waist: 54.50
neck:  19.50 inches
biceps:  16.00 inches
chest: 54.50
thigh: 27.875
calf: 18.375

Basically, I've lost 1.5 inches rom my neck, 4.00 inches from my chest, and 2 inches or so from my upper waist--all since 07.09 -- so a mere 10 days ago.  I don't have data going back to march 2020 -- and so this will have to be a starting point. 


Sunday, July 19, 2020

body fat measures

I calculated body fat according to instructions from this video:

then I used this calculator:

my measurements:

chest:  52.00
stomach:  55.00
thigh:  14.00

results:  35.5%
body fat mass:  117.3 pounds
lean body mass:  213.7 pounds

(In january 2020 I was 38.9% so accordingly, looks like I'm down three percent from that measurement.)

Please note the following body measurements:

Under the navy method, here's what I have: 

waist:  49.00 (at navel)
neck:  19.50
body fat: 35.00%

fat:  116 pounds
lean:  215 pounds

Note  This morning on the impedence scale I measured 43.00% body fat at 330 pounds. 

Final measurements of my body: 

lower waist: 49.50 inches
upper waist: 54.50
neck:  19.50 inches
biceps:  16.00 inches
chest: 54.50
thigh: 27.875
calf: 18.375

Basically, I've lost 1.5 inches rom my neck, 4.00 inches from my chest, and 2 inches or so from my upper waist--all since 07.09 -- so a mere 10 days ago.  I don't have data going back to march 2020 -- and so this will have to be a starting point. 


Thursday, July 09, 2020

numbers 07092020

all in inches:

N: 20.875
B 17.250
C: 58.500
Upper Waist (over navel):  56.625
Lower Waist  50.500
Thigh: 25.500
calves 18.375

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

more numbers

more numbers

c:  56.5" (via myotape)
s:  55.5" (via myotape); and
t: 26.75 (via myotape)

Via fitbit's aria scale I sit at 347.8 (down about 15 pounds from my 361 absolute top weight recorded about two months ago).  I'm at 38.8% body fat. 

All that really happened is this blog is woefully out of date.  By march I went up to 361 and about 41% body fat.  I've come down 15 pounds and 2% body fat. 

But, I found reddit.  I really like it.  I feel very motivated.  And with covid I now have time that I never had before. 

Sunday, January 05, 2020


some numbers:

current body fat three site caliper method (I drug out the caliper tonight).

It was:
c: 54
s; 55
t: 30

 = 38.88%

fitbit scale regisered me today at 37.6% and yesterday at 37.9%; so that's within one percentage point of one another.  Moreover, the height, neck, abs navy version came up with 41.9% -- a little higher than the others - but these are all so close it makes me believe my scale is pretty accurate, contrary to broad internet claims.

I also dug through the fitbit numbers over the last week.

I went from 349.1 to 343.5 pounds - a good loss of 5.5 pounds; but it turns out I lost 11.2 pounds of lean muscle and exchanged it for 5.6 pounds of fat gain.  wow!  How can that be?  So, now, though it's a small difference - my metabolism is slower rather than faster, as I have less muscle mass.  That seems impossible, although I think it's likely pretty accurate.

Incidentally, for those who say I should eat more protein here's the numbers.

date / g protein / % of diet protein
01.04 / 157 g protein / 25% of cals
01.03. / /174 g / 26%
01.02 / 204 g / 23%
01.01 / 188 g / 24%
12.31 / 207g / 24%
12.30 / 150 g / 25%
12.29 / 150g / 35%

average:  175g protein/day
average % = 24.7%

Some of my reading suggests 30% of diet protein; but 24.7% isn't that far off.

Moreover, suggestions for building muscle is 0.7g/pound of lean mass up to around 1g protein/lean pound = I have a lean mass of about 210 pounds or so ; so the protein range is 147g to 210g.  So, in other words, I'm right in the middle of that target.

Also, incidentally, according to my movements and expenditures in fitbit, I'm -1,200 to -1,500 calories per day on average going back four weeks (the math is a bit fuzzy, but that predicts a loss of 1,200 * 30 = 36,000 calories or 10 pounds; and 1,500 * 30 = 45,000 calories = 12.9 pounds.  Turns out I lost six pounds, not 10-13 - so it's off by about 50%.  [even worse I gained fat and lost muscle - the worst of all worlds].)  but the basic point is this:  I'm consuming about 2400 calories a day, and I burn about 4,200 calories a day (something like 3,400 calories plus about 800 calories with activity and exercise).

I suppose the answer is to add some more protein to the mix.  get it near 200-220 grams of protein per day.

I guess the other thing is I'm trying to improve my sleep pattern too.  Four the past four weeks this is teh data:
ending / score avg for week
01.05 / 80 (good)
12.29 / 72 (fair)
12.22 / 76 (fair)
12.15 / 68 (fair);
12.08 / 74 (fair)

So, maybe the answer is better sleep and slightly greater protein.

Having said all of this - I think the workouts can be harder and more regular, too.  I'm currently doing resistance training (with lighter weights, as the new heavier weights have yet to arrive) three days per week.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

I thought I deleted this blog.  I guess I didn't.

I'm now 343 pounds - 34% body fat.  The struggle is real.  I've been doing some reading and started doing some weightlifting, in an effort to drive down the body fat, while retaining or even adding muscle.

The blog **is** depressing.  It shows how chronic this obesity disease has been -- and how it remains chronic.  The doc is insistent it's time for surgery.  When I got to be 49-50 years of age, all of a sudden I basically gained 50 pounds; and then another 50 pounds - maybe within 2-3 years.  It was pretty remarkable.

doc insists teh bariatric surgery option is great, and I would do well on it.  I still HATE it - even though I understand that's crazy to ignore a doc's advice.

more another day I suppose.  kids and wife are around and great, btw.  the kids are under 10; wife and I are married 10 years.  we've both gained weight, her maybe from 150 to 180; me from 220 to 340.
