Monday, May 08, 2006

White paper on overfat and athletic endeavors.

May – 2006


The last few months have been particularly challenging.

I took THE licensing exam.

I discovered my debt was larger than I imagined and a cash crisis ensued.

I reorganized much (though not all) of the debt. And, essentially, I traded large blocks of time in an effort to save $$$. I could have only held onto the time, if I had had a spent money – but spending the money would have made the problem worse.

Indeed, I moved about a mile from work in a downtown loft. I get my results in two weeks from the licensing exam. That controls my future. If I’ve passed, I’ll go into the professional ranks; otherwise, I’ll need to study again (the exam is only given twice per year – and the next one is July). I would probably work through the second exam. . . I just can’t afford to take another two months off from work. (Although, I’d be tempted to take the last month off. . . ).


In the meanwhile, my weight has steadily increased, from a low of ~220 (maybe even 215) to about 250. I’ll need to start tracking it again. However, my deadline is looming large. It seems I’m unable to realistically control my weight, and I may need to look long and hard at surgical interventions. The whole idea was to give myself large blocks of time and see how I did with it. . . I’ve not fared so well.


It’s so difficult to plan right now. There are two tracks: The “I-passed-the-exam” plan; and the “I-didn’t-pass-the-exam” plan.

I Passed the Exam Plan

Diet – Nutrition – Exercise – Weight Loss

I think more than anything I desperately need to control the number of calories I consume per day. It’s tough given my job environment, girlfriend’s penchant for eating out and my own devious ways. But it all realistically starts there, and ripples from there out.

If I’ve passed the exam, then I think I’d like to do three triathlons this summer – all within driving distance – and likely international distances. I would do more, but I simply can’t afford to do it. Unless, I could magically reconfigure all of my debts down to more reasonable interest rates. Then, perhaps, I would consider 5 or so triathlons.

The cost of a triathlon is typically ~$75 for the event; and $25 for gas/incidentals. But I really love doing them. Thus, it would add about $300 to my costs over the summer.

I think I would try to do one in June, July and August (and, indeed, maybe I would try to sneak one in during September, if I were to get my dreamed of job down in San Diego).

In particular I envision a weekly schedule of something like this for the coming weeks:

Mon: AM: Run 3-5; PM: 15 mile bike
Tue: AM: Row 10-15k; PM: swim 2500 yards
Wed: AM: Run 3-5; PM: 15 mile bike
Thu: AM: Row 10-15k; PM: swim 2500 yards
Fri: AM: Bike 15 miles;
Sat: AM: Bike 25 miles; Run 4-6 miles
Sun: AM: Row 15k PM: swim 2500 yards (50 meter pool night swim).

Swim: 7500 yards
Bike: ~55 miles
Run – 10-16 miles;
Row: 35-45k


The management issue for time with the GF continues to be an extra-hard challenge. I love spending time with her, but it’s very clear that we have very different priorities. And, when you have someone that considers it a great week when they make it to the gym three times, the disparity is palpable. It frustrates her because she views it, to some degree – as me choosing the gym over her. . . I just want to get the workouts in. It makes me feel better. I live my life wishing God would just give me an extra 6 hours a day so I could just get everything done.

She has lots of spare time – and wants (demands?) to spend it with me. We’re different in that way.


I would like to ramp up the season and just get the exercise thing going. Not sure exactly how to accomplish all of it. . . but I’d like to get started.

To some degree I suppose I’ll need to put my foot down and express it in terms of my own needs. I need to be able to workout without a guilty conscious.


So, I ran the data tonight.

Body fat: 24.501% (via body fat calipers).

Tanita says:
253.0 pounds
43.5% body fat.

So, I weigh more and produced the highest body fat percentage I’ve ever seen on my scale. I’m not sure what to do about it, other than what I’ve always done about it. Which is to eat better and exercise more. And, to be sure about it: Eat Better, means more of me controlling my diet with lots of veggies and whole food products and many fewer restaurants. That sort of lifestyle is a killer for me. It’s clear: I’ve GOT to talk to the girlfriend and get her on board.

Not sure how well this is going to go over.


Body Fat - Calipers

Long lost measurements.

Today I measured. I hadn't measured in a few months. It's up. A ways I suspect.


P: 14, 21, 19, 12, 17 (which becomes: 14, 19, 17).
S: 48, 47, 52, 53, 48 (which becomes: 48, 52, 48).
T: 17, 16, 16, 14, 14 (which becomes: 16, 16, 14).

These numbers come out to: 24.501% body fat.

Not sure what it was before. . . but I do believe it used to be lower :-).
