Tuesday, August 24, 2004


It's been a frustrating 10 days or so. I believe I've gained about five pounds in the past few weeks, mostly because of lack of exercise and more poor eating habits. For god's sake, I actually at a hamburger, fries and soda tonight. I realize it's got to happen at some point, but I need to be more judicious about it.

C and I are new, so I've spent lots of time driving and getting back and forth and stuff. Totally worth it, but it definitely sticks out as one of those "you can't have everything" analyses. And in gaining Christine I've lost some exercise habits. Nutrition at her place (aka the retaurant) is also double edged: Probably consuming fewer calories but many calories in much of her food. [Not complaining, just observing.]

Also, haven't been nearly as regular with my food journal. In fact, I'm going to go write on the board now. . .


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