Saturday, April 26, 2008

New data / weigh ins

measurements for the week:

body fat:

P: 22, 20, 20, 25, and 18; keepers: 22, 20, and 20.
S: 63, 61, 61, 60 and 60; keepers: 61, 61, and 60.
T: 15, 4, 3, 5, and 4; keepers: 4, 5, and 4.

BODY FAT: 25.84.

(Incidentally the test that measures body fat with a wrist and elbow circumference and some other body measurements comes out to 29.2%. . . basically, 26% vs. 29%. . . which is probably close enough for my purposes).

(But, these measurements are a bit skeptical; particularly the thigh ("T") measurement -- which just is either 17 or 5, because the caliper always slips.

Body measurements:

N: 17.50
B: 15.00
C: 49.50
UW: 49.00
LW: 44.50
T: 24.25
H: 45.75

* * *

there are always hiccups in measuring something -- that's just the scientific method. While I strive to take measuring error and subjective elements our of a scientific measure, I think i sometimes fail. This may have been one of those days.

Interestingly, the actual circumference numbers of my body measurements went up; while the body fat measurement using calipers went down. Nonetheless, there is an emotional component to always wanting to see increased and enhanced performance levels. I do know that so long as I keep measuring from week to week, the numbers will go down so long as I eat a bit better and exercise a bit more.

* * *


It definitely worked out better this week for the rest days. I have decided to move my rest day from Mondays - this week it was a forced rest day on Wed (and thu) due to work demands (I was in the middle of a trial and ended up staying late and working on a brief.


I had a nice row this evening after a movie. I decided to just go for 30 minutes and do the best I can. I created a new PBest in doing so. . . which is great. Thrilled to have that athletic feat now captured in my life.

I do admit I am a bit down over the measurements. I almost never look at my prior week(s) measurements until after I've measured for the current week. I figure if I do review -- I'll be too tempted (even if it is subconsciously) to measure lower numbers. Perhaps I was too aggressive with the measuring last week? I doubt it -- the error rate for measurin with a measurin tape is really ~0.25 inches.

Nonetheless, I **DO** notice that my shorts seems to be getting mroe and more loose :-).


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