Saturday, April 19, 2008

One Step Back

"Frankie liked to say that everything in boxing was an unnatural act. Sometimes the best way to deliver a punch was to step back . . . but step back too far -- you ain't fightin' at all."

Six Million Dollar Baby. (Narrative by Morgan Freeman).

* * *

I ended up taking Saturday off. I can't decide whether I did it out of pure laziness, or whether it was done for self-preservation -- or, somewhere inbetween, indeed, perhaps a rest day.


My work hours are crazy at times. I think my hours were:

mon: 830a - 6p -- 9.5 - 1.5 = 8.0
tue: 830a - 11p (1.5 hours of driving); -- 14.5 - 1.5 = 13
wed: 830a- 1a -- 16.5 hours
thu: 830a-6p -- 9.5 - 1.5 = 8.0
fri: 830a-5p - 9.5 - 1.5 = 8.00

That was a 54 hour week. So, I was a bit sleep deprived by the end of the week (like usual). . . while I don't want that to be an excuse. . . I slept like 6 hours tuesday evening and like 4 hours wednesday evening. less than the required sleep under "healthy" norms. I tried to feel ok about it -- but I'm actually quite conflicted by it.

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